Bell Gorge is the ‘must see’ gorge along the Gibb River Road. It’s one of the more well known ones and we can see why! ……. although there are so many beautiful gorges it’s hard to say whether it’s the best or not.
Bell Gorge lays within the King Leopold Range Conservation Park. We camped here overnight at the Silent Grove campground. Really nice campground, but very busy.
It was a short drive to the Gorge and waterfall from the campground and then a 2km walk from the car park.
To stand at the top of the waterfall as it cascades down the cliffs into the pool below is beautiful. You can swim down the bottom, but it is a bit of a scramble over slippery rocks and down the other side, plus it was a bit late in the afternoon for us to be swimming.
It’s definitely a beautiful place to be. To be able to stand at the top of a waterfall and think how beautiful it is and then imagine how incredible it would be to see in the wet season, wow, we are so lucky to have these areas available to explore.
Saw this guy on our way back to camp