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Tackling the Tele – Northern Most Pub on mainland Australia

After a morning of checking out the plane crash sites we drove back into Bamaga to grab some supplies from the bakery.  We got some great cakes and pies from here on our last visit, but this time their produce was pretty bare and what we did manage to buy was nice, but not great.  I wonder if they’ve changed hands since our last visit.

We did later find out that the supply boat had apparently broken down and supplies had been delayed by days ……. this obviously affected the bakery and also the supermarket, which had no supplies of bread or cold meat etc.  One of the downsides of living in a remote area.

Next on the bucket list was a stop at the Bamaga Tavern.  Why you may ask?  Well to have a beer in the northern most pub on the Australian mainland of course!

After a few beers and lunch we all headed back to camp to relax for the afternoon.  It was incredibly hot, so we both decided to go for a drive around the area while the others relaxed back at camp.  We took a drive through Umagico and Injinoo and found a great little park right on the water.  It was a beautiful spot and the breeze was great, it was a much more bearable temperature than it was back at camp!


While George took the drone for a few flights, Shelly walked around taking photos.


I love the photo below, it really sums up the cape region, the colours in this photo really say ‘Cape York’.  The blue of the sky, the green of the tropical palm trees, the rich red of the dirt, the sand and the beautiful aqua blue water that surrounds the land, this is what it’s all about, this is why we love the area.


While we were all off exploring for the day, Jim & Jacky and David & Maria were off on their own adventure, a day trip to the beautiful Thursday Island.  This is another stunning place to visit and again, filled with history.  We spent a day on Thursday Island during our last visit to the cape and loved it.

Back at camp we experienced another amazing cape sunset.

What better way to end the night and discuss the days adventures than a campfire on the beach ….. yes this is the life.


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