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BROOME: Staircase to the Moon

Our whole two month trip was planned around being in Broome for the 3 days of Staircase to the Moon, we weren’t coming this far and missing out on seeing this!

We arrived in Broome on the first day of Staircase to the Moon for July and we decided to head on down to view it that night. We headed to Town Beach and got there early to get a good viewing spot. By the time the moon was nearly ready to start rising, Shelly had to climb onto the roof of the 4WD and stand in the roof basket to get a better viewing spot as we were inundated with 95% of the people in Broome!! The amount of people there to see this was unbelievable! We ended up heading down again on the third night and there was still just as many people around!

Staircase to the Moon is a natural phenomenon that occurs 2 to 3 times per month between March & October. It occurs when the full moon rises over the exposed (low tide) tidal flats of Roebuck Bay in Broome.

This all creates a magical optical illusion of stairs reaching to the moon. This natural event also occurs in a few other towns along the coastline.

We have never seen anything like this, it’s amazing and well worth planning any trip over here to align with the dates to be able to see this amazing sight.

Shelly getting above the crowds!

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